Sunday, February 06, 2022

Russians Armed Forces 70% ready for UKRAINE Invasion - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " Russia has assembled about 70% of the military capability needed for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the coming weeks, US officials say. "

Lets Get Real:

Thus it can be argued that the over the time of the Winter Olympics the Russian Armed Forces will be built up to the amount they need to invade the Ukraine.  The Russians have put so much effort in to the build up it is hard to see it being called off, the Russian demands over NATO and Eastern Europe have not been met and will not be met, the question is does Putin understand the economic sanctions that will come down on Russia, also the Russian people understand the consequences of such action, the West can bring the Russian economy to it knees, and how much support in Russia is there for a WAR with Ukraine, Russia and the Ukraine share many religious and culture ties, a failed war liked Afghanistan would be a disaster for Putin, could bring him down.  The Biden Oval after its own Afghanistan failure has a lot to lose, thus has to be TOUGH with Russia.  The Calm before the storm.

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