Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Russian FORCES BATTLE Ready - Ukraine vs. Russia - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thu we have the meeting between the US Secretary of State and the Russian Foreign Minister on Friday in Geneva, one hopes that some kind of diplomatic way can be found for Russia to save face, Putin has boxed himself in, he wants NATO to say in Treaty form that the Ukraine will never joint NATO and those former Warsaw Countries in Eastern Europe who joined NATO will have their NATO troops removed with their equipment, this is a NO STARTER, even IF Biden wanted to do that he does not have the influence on the Hill.  It's Mid Terms year, no politician Republican or Democrat wants to be called a APPEASER in the shape o Neville Chamberlain of appeasement infamy.   The US and the West can agree on the need for new missiles treaty to replace the now defunct INF Treaty singed by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev.  Also on a agreement on when the sides can have military drills.  This is the OUT for Putin, the question is will he take this deal. 

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