Friday, December 10, 2021

Ukraine BORDER Update - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Russians are building up a big force to invade the Ukraine or give the impression that they are about invade, the Russians want a legal agreement that says that NATO will not allow the Ukraine to become a member and does not place NATO equipment on NATO members close to Russia.  It had been reported that Biden had sold out Ukraine, very much like Chamberlain in 1938, but this was denied by the Biden White House and the Ukraine has followed that line.   As noted in this blog, Putin has given the Russians Soldiers the New Year OFF, but hey will be on duty on Christmas Day,  this could be mean that Russian might invade late this year, as the Russian New Year comes later, this means that the Ukraine has to be on ALERT, well it is always on ALERT, so in case Russian invades.  If Biden is CLEVER he should really send ARMS the Ukraine Army and Air Force, then if and when Russia invades he cannot be called an appeaser, the Ukraine Army cannot take on the Russia Army, it can only stall for so long before they either surrender or are killed.  The panic will come with Ukraine Refugees coming to NATO borders, will they turn them away, one has doubts, the NATO members of NATO will need US COMBAT TROOPS on their borders to show Putin to back off.  Tense Christmas and New Year ahead. 

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