Thursday, December 09, 2021

Putin's Drum BEAT for War - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " Russia Ukraine: Putin compares Donbas war zone to genocide.."

Lets Get Real:

More FAKE news from President Putin, he is following the Hitler game book with FAKE charges, the next step is invasion.  It seems that Biden's talk with Putin has not put him off if he plans to invade the Easter Ukraine and then the whole of the Ukraine, very Hitler and 1938 with the Czechs.   The Biden Oval should send more military equipment to the Ukraine, enough for them to stall the Russian Army for a while, lets be honest the Ukrainian people cannot win a WAR against Russia, with the best will in the world, what they can do is make Russia and Putin pay a heavy price, a price that he cannot hide, that means Russian body bags and in public.   The Biden Oval should send heavy NATO equipment to the Eastern members of NATO to show that Biden supports them, and he will not sell them out like Chamberlain did to the Czechs in 1938.  What is interesting that Russia placed pressure on Iran over its nuclear ambitions, one hopes that Biden has not made a secret deal, aka JFK and the selling out of Turkey in 1962 and the Yalta Conference that placed Eastern Europe in the Soviet backyard. This will be an developing story over the Christmas Period. 

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