Monday, November 29, 2021

Israel READY for Coalition ATTACK on Iran

Jerusalem Post: Reports " Israel’s military is continuing to develop its ability to conduct a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program should circumstances demand it.  "

Lets Get Real:

This article shows that the Israeli Government is getting ready for either a attack with allies, the Gulf States and the US or taking Iran on by itself.  A nuclear armed IRAN is a threat to the existence of Israel and to the security of the Gulf States.  If Israel does not take action then you will have a nuclear armed Iran, buying the missile technology from North Korea to create various missiles that could be a THREAT to Israel and the Middle East.  The Tehran Regime will have seen how secure the North Korean Regime is and how the US cannot attack it, due to its nuclear abilities and its ability to strike, North Korea, South Korea and Japan.  All major allies of the US. The Israeli Government should be wary of the Biden Administration, its appeasing of the TALIBAN in Afghanistan shows that the US under President Biden is WEAK and cannot be trusted to come to the support of an allay.  Interesting and tense days ahead. 

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