Monday, August 23, 2021

31st August Deadline - Kabul Evac - Biden Era

BBC News - Live Blog: Reports in its 4.59pm post the following, " The Taliban earlier ruled out the possibility of Western troops remaining beyond the 31st, with spokesman Suhail Shaheen warning of "consequences" if the US delayed the withdrawal of its forces. "

Lets Get Real:

We have WEAK leaders IN the West, the US President should not need to ask the TALIBAN for an extension, he should just do it, and dare the Taliban to do something, that goes for any other terrorist group.  The US has the firepower to blow away the Taliban, but Biden is afraid, he is caught in his own PR mistake.  The August 31st deadline was for the home market, for the American voter, what the American voter does not want is a WEAK President who is not trigger happy, a great President will always have his hand on the trigger, to scare the life out of any dangerous opposition, how the Biden Oval will square this hole will be interesting to see, if he leaves any Americans and Afghan allies in Afghanistan the Biden Presidency will be OVER.  Biden if he had the guts should send in more troops, whatever the number, and remind the Taliban they are there by his pleasure, not the other way around. 

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