Saturday, June 26, 2021

Is time running out for IRAN ?- Obama's Nuclear Deal with Iran - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The people of Iran voted in a SHAM election for a hard line Conservative, who supports the repressive REGIME in Iran.  The Biden Administration has a problem, the Biden Oval wants to appease Iran, but can not do that if the Tehran Regime goes hard line on them, demanding that Biden Oval remove ALL the Trump sanctions before they go back to the Obama Nuclear deal.   There is a problem there also, Tehran has carried on with its nuclear development, and are they willing to destroy what they have created.  Biden also faces the problem that Israel will never allow Iran to become a nuclear power, look how carefully the West has to deal with North Korea, all because it has the bomb.  The Tehran Regime might push the Biden Oval to keep the sanctions and even increase them if Iran refuses to budge on its nuclear development.  Keep an eye on this folks, it could get hot fast. 

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