Saturday, December 19, 2020

Wales in LOCKDOWN as of 12am tonight - COVID - 19/Health

Lets Get Real:

This blogger had started to watch a History TV show on the Plague in the 14th Century, not a good idea, just reinforces the worry about now and COVID - 19.  In essence the UK is being closed down because we have mutation of COVID - 19 and its is 70% faster in getting at individuals.  Christmas Day season, only starts on 12am on Christmas Day and and finishes on 12am on Boxing Day.   For this blogger this vaccine can not come fast enough, the virus has taken away his Saturday's and will prevent it getting its book order by Christmas, but that is small reason not be happy, what about those who have died, those still in hospital and those with long term COVID - 19.  The UK Government needs the rollout to go well, and its needs to use both new vaccines, have Liverpool play Manchester United, invite people, a free match but everyone that goes has to take a the vaccine before they go in, the vaccine needs to get out in to the community, have pubs that will only allow you in if you have had the jab, put vaccine agents at the door, that will get the vaccine out and fast. 

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