Friday, December 04, 2020

UK/EU Brexit Talks STALL and are PAUSED - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

BBC News: Reports " Talks to reach a post-Brexit trade deal have been paused, because UK and EU negotiators say "significant divergences" remain.  "

Lets Get Real:

The EU threw a spanner in to the works last night with demands for a way to compel the UK to follow EU regulations.  The culprit it seems are the French, the French President must be worried about future elections in France, he wants to appear as the tough man, who stood up to the British.  In can be argued that both sides, the UK and France have a negative view of each other, they do not even know how to make a cup of tea!! The PM has to be firm with the EU tomorrow, our deal or no deal, we are happy with both, time to settle this issue, once and for all.  The same issues have been the same for years, fish, regulations and who will judge the issue.   Tomorrow will be interesting, would love to be on the zoom call between the leaders.

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