Monday, November 02, 2020

Wales to OPEN on the 9th of November - COVID - 19 Update - Wales and COVID - 19

Lets Get Real:

Thus Wales will open on the 9th of November, while England will have started its month breakdown.  The questions of pubs and bars and how they will be opened has not been answered by the Cardiff Government.  Will the hospitality return to the previous regulations or will there be new regulations.  Also how are you going to stop Welsh people crossing the border and vice versa, if Welsh pubs are open one can see the English people going over the border for a drink, so how do you stop them, have the police on the main bridge.  If I recall my Acts of Union that would be illegal and the police might say NO, that is not our job, get the Army, and of course the Army is under the control of No 10.  They will never sanction that course, also what about Christmas, will the pubs and other shops be OPEN?  Deep dark days ahead.

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