Monday, November 02, 2020

Pennsylvania the State to the Oval Office - US Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

In less nearly ALL the polls are wrong, we shall have President - Elect Biden on Tuesday night, quite early if Florida and Ohio go for Biden.  The next moves will be interesting, who will Biden place on his foreign policy teams, Susan Rice in to the State Department as long as the Democrats take the Senate.  The Biden staff will be former members of the Obama/Biden team.  The NEW Administration in January could faces a test from North Korea, they will see that Biden will appease Iran and remove Trump's sanctions and will agree to whatever they want, while on the campaign trail Biden has been tough about China and North Korea.  Once in the Oval Biden will face pressure from Liberals to have a very liberal foreign policy and allow NK to have the bomb.  As for former President Trump as he will be after his defeat and the move of the Biden Administration in to power, could face charges from the New York Prosecutors, that should keep him twittering away for a while, of course he could PARDON himself, that will drive the left up the WALL, a President has no check on his power to PARDEN FEDERAL crimes, thus the New York prosecutors will have to go for States charges, those will be harder for Trump, a US President has never been jailed before!

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