Friday, September 04, 2020

Our Fish and Our Waters - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

The talks between the UK and the EU is becoming a FARCE, the EU still thinks it has the best cards, WRONG, there is a new Government in the UK and PM May is gone back to the backbenches.   The EU has to learn, its UK waters and our bloody fish, if they want concessions from us they need to give us what we WANT, and that is not open to debate.  The UK decides on our fish and how much support we give to industry, if the EU does not like it they can jump off the white cliffs of Dover.   The EU has to learn that a members has LEFT THEM, and we can always refuse to give the divorce money to the EU, let's see how long the EU stands with Barnier, they need our money and the Germans do not wan to pay more in to the EU. 

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