Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Democratic Convention - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This is a non news event, Biden will be selected as the Democratic Nominee and his VP will be supported by the Convention.  Except speeches to attack Trump and the Republicans.  The liberal mainstream media and CNN ( It is about time CNN gave up being a news network! ) It just kisses the backside of the Democrats, will give the convention a fawning reporting and support whatever the Democrats say on the night.  It will be interesting to hear Barack and Michelle Obama and one hopes that Biden is NO BORING and manages not to place his foot in his mouth, he is the next President, God help US ALL.  It will be interesting to hear what the Dems say about FOREIGN POLICY, are they really going to take on Putin and Russia, of course expect them to want another DEAL with Iran.   One does wonder will Russia try to thwart the event with another computer hack, we shall see!!

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