Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The ECONOMIC COST of COVID - 19 - Update 1 - Economy

Lets Get Real:

At some point when PM Boris has recovered the Cabinet and himself will have to decide when to open the UK again for business.   The depression could be the worse in three hundred years, but that depends on many facts, if the closedown is short, the the UK can recover, if it is longer, then it could be worse.  The Government should plan to open the UK on May 2nd, after the bank holiday.   Also the Government should start to make its mind up on if it wants to extend the EU transition or go for broke at the start of the year.  The UK will bounce back, it always does.   At least the Government has five years to fix the economy and no one can blame them, it came from China and was around the World is a few days. 

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