Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Labour GAINS in new POLL - GE1 - General Election 2019

Guido Fawkes: Reports in its 2.50pm post the following, " The latest Survation poll has the Labour Party creeping up, gaining three points in one week to 29%, and squeezing the Tory lead down to six points, with the party resting on 35%... Survation was the most accurate pollster in 2017…  "

Lets Get Real:

This is a troubling poll for the Conservatives, it cuts their lead from over 10% in previous polls to 6% in the survation poll.  The survation poll was closes to the result in 2017.   The Conservative Campaign has to up its campaign, really go after a message of how BAD a Corbyn Government would be to the UK, from the economy to national security.   The Labour spending packages has to be seen as a tax killing manifesto, also that the Middle Class and the Working Class would be hit.   Also the UK does not want another HUNG PARLIAMENT, that would mean years of stalling by the Remainers within the House of Commons.   The Conservatives have to keep on message, hit Labour HARD, the old stuff on Corbyn is not working, it has been factored in by voters, the future has to look bleak if Corbyn is in No 10 Downing Street. 

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