Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Biden has small LEAD over Warren in New Hampshire - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This is good news for VP Biden, at last he is ahead in a early voting State.  The last few polls from Iowa and New Hampshire have not been good for the former VP, he leads in the national polls, but that will not matter when you get to voting in Iowa and New Hampshire in the Cold of Winter.   The Biden Camp must be worried that the hearts of liberal Democrats are will Warren but they do not trust her to win against President Trump, one has doubts that even Biden will win against an angry President who has just been impeached by the Democratic House.   The Biden Campaign has to keep its lead in New Hampshire and try to win in Iowa, if Biden could take both and then go to his strong hold of SC then he could run the map and win the nomination, that is a LOT OF IFS of course.  There will be more polls!!.

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