Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Trump BEATS Obama on re-election funding - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The MORE the Democrats go left, the more people will give money to the Trump Re - Election Committee, whatever they might think of Trump as an individual, they know that he is good for the economy and their wallets, and at the end of the day that all that matters.   It can be postulated that the Trump Oval thinks that the Democrats will chose VP Biden, the recent Democratic debate does risk making that not true, it is noticeable that POTUS has not given a nickname to Senator Harris, with Biden it is Sleepy Joe, could it be that POTUS does see Harris as more of a threat and thus does not want to take her on, with the hope that the Biden Campaign can stop her BIG MO after the 2nd Democratic Debate.  The vote in IOWA and NH is in the distant future, it will be interesting to see how much POTUS is critical of Harris. 

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