Tuesday, July 02, 2019

The Kamala THREAT to VP Biden - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The Democratic Establishment is worried, thus these attacks on Senator Harris, a recent poll by CNN had Biden down by 10% and a upswing for Senator Harris.  One debate does not make a victory, otherwise would have had Presidents Mondale, Kerry, and McCain.  VP Biden has been out of the trenches for a few years, also he was Vice - President, in other words nobody cared what he said.  The Biden Campaign can not hide Biden, all the main Democratic contenders were on the Sunday TV shows, where was BIDEN, hiding in his cave.  The form VP has to get out and meet the voters, he will have to do this in Iowa and NH when it's very cold and press pack will be peeved that they are not covering Trump in the warmth of Florida.   There was the idea as noted in the article that there could be a Biden/Harris ticket, well when you basically call someone a racist that idea is off the books.  Senator Harris has to go ALL IN, take the nomination from Biden, or least make him work hard for the nomination.   As a side note it was interesting to see Mayor Pete get millions for his campaign, the left Democratic base might be a looking for a reason to support the Mayor, he is the future of the Democratic Party if Harris does not get the nomination and Biden losses in 2020.

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