Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mayor Pete's so LIBERAL Foreign Policy - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Mayor Pete ( good brand name to start his Presidential Career ) will not be the Democratic Nominee for President, he is a weak as dishwater, he wants to return to the US/Iran nuclear deal, wants Congress to take more of a role in US Foreign Policy, and he is going on about climate change.  After Iraq the Foreign Policy elite in the US have become gun shy, what happens should Iran go for the bomb, are they going to sit on their backsides while Israel comes under threat, Daesh and Al Qaeda must be wishing for a Mayor Pete Presidency, he has learned the WRONG lessons of his tour of duty, because your good soldiers does not make fit to be President, he is like Obama, telling the enemy what he wants to do, such a pity Pete could have been a contender, but he has blow it already.  This liberal rubbish might work with the Dem base, but will fold when faced with reality.   Iran could become an issue before 2020!

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