Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Biden LEADS by 24% over Senator Sanders - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

One can argue that the Biden Campaign has had a good rollout, a good video intro, going after Trump and his racial views, and raking in 6.3 million.  The question is can such a poll number last that LONG, its May 2019, not May 2020.  The Iowa Caucus is in February as the article notes, what will develop from the Presidential Debates, there will be around 20 candidates, they ALL will be aiming to take down Biden, or at least show that there are other candidates in the race, and also to show that they are more liberal than Biden, and let's be honest here, younger with the exception of Senator Sanders, will a Biden Administration be a one term Presidency, if VP Biden wins he will be 78 when he takes power.   The VP spot might look good!! Let's recall President Reagan was the oldest President elected before Donald TRUMP came along, and he had a great Presidency, from the domestic to the international front.  Age is not the issue, it is the character of the candidate, and Biden is WEAK on national security.  There is a LONG WAY to go before Iowa, and as former UK PM stated, a WEEK IS A LONG TIME IN POLITICS. 

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