Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why BIDEN could be the WRONG President for 2020 - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The West does not need another President in the OVAL OFFICE who will not use force, it is good sometimes to go through someone's record who has had decades in the political arena.   As the above notes as VP, Biden did not support the raid in Pakistan to take out Osama Bin Laden, he was concerned about the political ramifications.   The major foreign policy of the Obama Administration was the failure to use force in Syria against the Assad Regime after it is used WMD on its own people, Barack Obama allowed his Secretary of State, John Kerry to use rhetoric to take the troops up the hill and then decide because the UK House of Commons did not support military action to take the troops down.  Barack Obama had stated that the use of WMD in Syria was a red line for him, and he allowed Assad to cross it numerous times.   Also he allowed Russia to increase its presence in Syria.   Biden in the first 24 hours of his campaign raked in 6.3 million dollars, but that was from the rich, most of the other candidates are not taking big money from the rich, they are getting along on small donations.  This might work in the Primary fight, how are they going to match Trump when it comes to the general election.   The extreme liberals are opposed to Biden from the domestic front to his vote to support the Iraq War when it was in the US Senate.  Of course the interesting time will come with the DEBATES, who will shine, who will crash and burn, can Biden avoid getting in to gaffes.  Is the Biden time passed, that must be the opinion of Mayor Pete and Beto, the Party on the whole supports younger candidates, Biden would be 78 if he is sworn in January 2021. 

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