Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Is CNN OUT TO GET VP Biden - 2020 Election Candidates - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued that CNN is planning to undermine the Biden Campaign should the former VP enter the race.  One side the Liberal Establishment as represented by the uber LIBERAL NYT is putting out any fires from new stories that might arise when it comes to the Biden financial structure when it comes to his various connected bodies or his speeches.  While the left wing CNN is trying to send the message that Biden he is to OLD and to part of the Establishment.   I know it's early, just the start of March, and we have months before Iowa and NH in 2020.   The Sanders Campaign has raised millions for its campaign, and Senator Harris as pointed out by POTUS is getting good crowds and praise from CNN.  It showed a clip of the Senator stating that she is not a Democratic Socialist like Bernie Sanders, what the CNN should could not stop was her saying that she would abolish the private health insurance of Americans, that will go down like a LEAD BALLOON in the General Election if she in the nominee.   CNN is also trying to undermine Senator Sanders in a recent town hall meeting, by not stating that some of those that were asking the questions were opposed to Sanders.  If you are a political geek you are following this, it's very interesting, if your normal get ready to be very BORED, 2020 has started early that usual and some of the Democratic candidates have not entered the race yet! One advice to the Democrats, do not write Trump OFF yet, politics is ART not a science. 

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