Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The HARD BREXIT MPs are playing GAMES - Brexit Update 1 - NO Brexit

Lets Get Real:

One thought that the HARD REMAINERS were annoying and stabbing UK Democracy in the BACK, well the HARD BREXIT MPs are throwing the Conservative Party over a political cliff.  BOTH groups have lost the plot a long time ago, the PM can not order her government and MPs to vote for a NO DEAL, a, the idea would lose, b, the Conservative Government would face Cabinet and Ministerial resignations from the HARD REMAINERS, also HARD REMAINER MPs would vote against the idea.    There is a LIFE after Brexit, the Conservative Party will have to get itself back together after the Brexit mess.  The Hard Remainers have WON, it just a matter of the process coming to an end, it still expected that PM May will be defeated again over her deal, then plan for a NO Deal will be rejected and the UK will face asking the EU for an extension, the EU could say the UK gets two years but only if we have a 2nd Brexit vote, thus BREXIT is LOST.  What a MESS. 

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