Wednesday, April 04, 2018

President Trump and Syria - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

President Trump does not believe in nation building, he wants the US military to defeat Daesh, as to remove them as a threat to Syria and Iraq.  Also he does not want to undermine the Assad Regime as they are backed by Iran and Russia, the Trump Oval does not want to be seen as leaving the victory to the enemies of the US.   Also as CNN reported yesterday the Trump Oval wants to meet with President Putin even after throwing out 60 Diplomats.  As to Iran if the US does take military action it does not want to leave US troops as a target for Iran should Iran want to strike back.   Getting in to Middle War is easy, getting out is more complicated.   It can be argued that President Trump feels more confident as President, thus the replacement of more moderate leaders around him with more hawks.   Iran or North Korea could be the next crisis point, let's recall that Trump has agreed to meet the leader of North Korea, what a picture that will be for the elite press to be critical of, if and when it happens. 

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