Thursday, August 06, 2015

Jeb Bush on Donald Trump - Election 2016

According to a report Mr Bush made disparaging remarks about his rival for the Republican presidential nomination "

Lets Get Real:

It seems that Jeb Bush might not be ready for prime time, if the above is true is shows that Governor Bush allows others to get under his skin, Donald Trump was supposed to have blown it  by now, but he still in the race.   It depends how Trump and Bush do tonight, after his mistakes with Clinton and Trump, one would think that Governor Bush would be more careful and not allow the big persona of Tumper to get under his skin.   Lets recall Bush 41 was Vice - President to Ronald Reagan and was a very loyal VP, being in that spot means always being in the shadow of POTUS.  It was rewarded with the Presidency in 1988, Jeb Bush should learn from his father.  The attack dog of any campaign in the Vice - President, the candidates have to shown they want the job but also that they can be Presidential. 

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