Friday, January 10, 2014

Unemployment Benefits - 2nd Term Blues

CNN - Politics: Reports that the plan to extend unemployment benefits has been stalled in the US Senate, the article notes the following, " A compromise Senate plan to pay for the cost of extending unemployment benefits ran into resistance Thursday from a group of Republicans whom the agreement was supposed to attract. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans Senators should pass the three month extension but tell the House it should be DOA on arrival at the House, the House should demand for the extension there has to be cuts in other areas of the Federal Government.    There is no chance that the Democrats will take the House, but the could keep the Senate if they can make the PR point that the Republicans in the Senate have done nothing.   The Republicans have to play it SMART, the Republicans have to keep their focus on ObamaCare, do not let the Democrats change the game, its all a game, the result is about winning.  The Republicans need to get hold of the Senate to block the Obama Agenda and make the Oval deal. 

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