Friday, January 10, 2014

The US tried to OUST President Karzai of Afghanistan - Robert Gates

Lets Get Real:

Is it open season for US secrets, this is the last thing the US wants out, they are trying to pressure Karzai to do a deal for US to remain in Afghanistan after 2014, and this comes out, this will strain even further the relationship between Karzai and the Oval.   This is quite a damaging revelation, did the Oval know this was going on, its an interesting question.    The US and the UK should get out of Afghanistan, its a hell hole, and always will be for Western forces.  If the Oval to really wants help he should send troops back in to Iraq.   The threat from Al - Qaeda is growing, the US can not have Syria and Iraq under terrorist control, this really would be a threat to Western security and its economic recovery.  One has to ask what is the former Secretary of Defence thinking, he is shifting the blame for the future, if the whole Middle East blows up under the Obama foreign policy. 

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