Sunday, October 20, 2013

The FAILURE of ObamaCare - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Folks, IF ObamaCare was WORKING, we would be getting a the FULL PR spin, the fact the Administration can or will not say how many people have actually enrolled in ObamaCare and how many of those are young and healthy shows that behind the PR it is a disaster.   The funding for ObamaCare comes from the young and healthy paying in to the system to offset the costs of those with a pre existing condition or old.  If the majority of those enrolling in ObamaCare are not young or and healthy then there is no funding for the scheme.  One can see President Obama wanting more money for ObamaCare or even an increase in the tax you have to pay if you do not want the scheme.  The major row will come next year folks, small business operators have started to cut hours for workers, if an employee works more than 30 hours then the employer has to help fund ObamaCare, the answer folks, cut the hours your workers work, do not offer health care and dump them in to ObamaCare, the costs in the majority of the States would make your eyes water folks.   Thus it would be ironic folks, if ObamaCare was defeated from within, the Congress will not give more funding, if the Oval tries to rises taxes as a penalty on those without ObamaCare the Democrats will be in REAL political trouble.   The Democrats have forgotten one thing folks, the young like free music, free tv, and free newspapers, they get very upset if they have to pay for them, thus the great row about pirate sites for different art and news content.  Yes folks, the Democrats might not understand their natural base. 

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