Tuesday, September 24, 2013

President Obama at the UN

Lets Get Real:
How naive can you be and still be President of the US, President Putin of Russia must be laughing his backside off, he has a Neville Chamberlain in he Oval, all Putin and Assad have to do is to keep Syria on the front page to show how weak President Obama is, the game never ends folks, the Russian bear understands that, the UK Lion gets that fact, has Obama removed the claws of the American Eagle, by this kind of language the Oval has shown that its going to be a frosty three years for the US and the West, Assad with Russian troops is going to play Obama, the Tehran Regime is going to go nuclear, it is sad that President Obama has not grown in office, he still thinks if he says something its REAL, yes folks, the weak egotist has struck again at the UN, this blog really misses the Reagan and Thatcher Era folks. 

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