Monday, September 16, 2013

Obama's NEXT RED LINE - Iran

Lets Get Real:

Folks if this was not serious IT would be a farce, after Syria does any one think Obama has the backbone to take real hard military action, it can be postulated that Russia, Syria and Iran think that the Oval is a weak windbag, who likes the to hear its own voice, marches his troops up the hill but at the end of the day is gun shy, the Oval made Secretary Kerry walk the plank twice, within days Kerry has gone from a hawk to a weak dove, who has to wait for the Russians to turn up for meetings.    In Tehran they are playing their usual games, endless meetings with the West, agreement then backing off,  now they will have the support of the Russians, the Russian Bear ONLY has power through the UN Security Council, if that is discounted it does not matter, but the Oval can not take acting alone, he will never be the Sheriff from High Noon, he would hide with the rest of the town folk.    President Obama can not face the fact that sometimes the US President is the only Sheriff, he has to be a Kennedy, Reagan or a Bush 43.   The UN Security Council is for weak appeasers who can not put on the  badge, would you want Obama as your local Policeman. 

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