Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Obama's waffle over Syria - Syrian Update

The Weekly Standard: Reports on remarks by President Obama when it comes to Syria and taking action, the President Obama stated the following, "’s kind of hard for you to understand that the complexity of the situation and how we have to not rush into one more war in the Middle East... ".

Lets Get Real:

One has to say President Obama sounds like UK Foreign Office civil servant who has no backbone for taking action and is trying to talk others out of taking action, but in this case the decision is down to President Obama, he said red lines, he was not forced to say it, then it took pressure from the UK/France and Assad winning on the ground for the Oval to move, and what has the Oval done, NOTHING, small arms will not cut it, the Oval is worried, it has sent anti missiles defences to Jordan and Fighter Planes just in case the Syrian Civil War brings down the Kingdom, while Lebanon faces going back in to Civil War, while the killings in Iraq have started to go up again after the US left in 2011.   If the Oval wants to gain anything from the mess that is Syria, it will have to lead, it can not be UK PM Cameron and French President Hollande, Syria is to BIG, thus its down the OVAL, so will the Oval carry a big stick or lead from behind, those that follow are not leaders, and history is not kind on that kind of weakness folks. 

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