Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Clinton SEX scandals and the Cover Up - 2016

BBC News: Reports that the US State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton has been accused of covering up illegal acts of US State Department Staff.  

Lets Get Real: 

This is the last thing that the Clinton Camp needs, it faces problems of the lack of action by Secretary Clinton when the US Consulate in Libya was attacked by terrorists, there are doubts about the information that Secretary Clinton gave to the US Congress, how much she knew and when, now this, these cover ups cover serious illegal actions, the Clinton Camp in pure political terms needs to put this fire out, even the Titanic sank folks due to enough holes under the water, one can guess that those that want to oppose Hillary Clinton in 2016 will be making sure that all these scandals lead to the Clinton Camp, the lack of Hillary Clinton dealing with these scandals shows why she lost the 2008 Democratic race to President Obama, she is not Bill, she is not that good a politician, thus ends the hope of Hillary and Bill Clinton to return to the White House, it is that serious folks. 

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