Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Obama and Guantanamo Bay

BBC News: Reports the following  from President Obama's press conference when it comes to the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay " In his remarks, the president seemed to support the US practice of force-feeding some hunger-strikers. ". 

Lets Get Real:

The President is up keeping his liberal agenda, he wants to treat terrorists as typical criminals, even at the press conference he was trying to paint the Boston Bombers as acting alone, it was almost as if the Oval can not cope with the reality, if you listened to the President in at the press event you would get the idea that Al Qaeda was finished, it was happy time after the Iraq/ Afghan Wars are finished, it had echoes of a pre 9/11, pre 21 Century mind set, the press did not tackle him when he implied that the Boston Bombers acted alone, that has not been proven as yet, the Russian connection needs a lot of investigation, as if the Oval was trying to close it down as it would not match the World picture of the Oval, POTUS stated the following,

And so what I’ve done for months now is to indicate to our entire counterterrorism team, what more can we do on that threat that is looming on the horizon?  Are there more things that we can do, whether it’s engaging with communities where there’s a potential for self-radicalization of this sort?  Is there work that can be done in terms of detection?  But all of this has to be done in the context of our laws, due process.  ".  What will the Oval say should the FBI find that the Boston Bombing was part of an Al Qaeda operation, will the press pin Obama to the wall over this rush to judgement over Boston, one has doubts.  The US Congress after Boston will be even less of the view to close the Cuban prison, the above move by the Oval is a way to keep the readers of the NY Times/Guardian readers happy, its not going to happen folks. 

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