Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The US and North Korea - Korean Crisis PT2

Lets Get Real: 

This blog hates to agree with the uber left wing Guardian but it does have a point, the North Koreans have a million man Army on the border with South Korea, the Capital of South of Korea is close enough for rocket attacks, the North is now a nuclear armed power, it could hit South Korea, Japan, it is a regional player, even China has to tread careful around its suppose ally, so what can the Oval do on this issue?.    The answer is as usual, give North Koreans the food they need to feed its people, get China to act like a Super Power and get North Korea to behave or at lest not show up the US and the UN.   As stated on this issue you can not blame President Obama, the chief failure goes down to Jimmy Carter who though he could deal with North Korea, yes the same Carter that gave us Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the Hostages in Iran.  Next time a Carter walks in to the Oval with a bright idea, suggest he take it somewhere else, Falklands is nice place, very far away, and  no one to take his advice on foreign policy. 

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