Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hagel over 1st Hurdle - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News: Reports that a US Senate Defence Committee has passed the nomination of Senator Hagel to be the next US Defence Secretary, the nomination now goes before the full US Senate. 

Lets Get Real:

It seems even after the disaster that was the conformation hearing the Democrats are willing to walk the blank for the Oval, lets hope they do not regret it down the line.  One can see the Republicans do a half hearted attempt to block the nomination, but at the end of the day the Democrats control the US Senate.  Thus Secretary Hagel will have to deal with North Korea, Syria and Iran.  One can see that Israel will fear that Hagel will block any attempt for the US to attack Iran, thus Israel will have to take out its greatest threat to its existence, that being a nuclear armed Iran.  The Assad Regime and North Korea and Tehran will be happy, they see a weak Secretary who is the left of President Obama, no friend of Israel, does not see Iran as a threat, in fact wants talks.  The very fact of nominating Senator Hagel could lead to a regional war in Middle East folks.   That is why President Obama is a disaster for US and World security. 

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