Friday, February 22, 2013

House Republicans vs. The Oval - 2nd Obama Term

The New York Times: Report on the fight between House Republicans and the Oval when it comes to expected enforcement of agreed cuts, the House Republicans as the article notes  " ...say the increase in taxes for the affluent that was agreed to at the beginning of the year was the last concession they will make on new revenue. ". 

Lets Get Real: 

It is about time that House Republicans show some backbone, the Oval will never cut, it needs people on welfare, how else will Democrats get people to vote for them, the US has a debt of 16 trillion, you can not just tax the rich ALL the time, at the end of the day a Liberal US President has to lead and cut welfare, that will not be Obama, he is looking at 2014 and 2016, the Obama Camp is good on the Campaign trail but actually Government is something else,  the elite media has covered for Obama for his first term, but even they know that Obama is out in 2017, and at the end of the day they want people to read and watch their news content, if its just a White House press release what is the point.    The cracks have started with the Obama drone attacks, if the US economy does not improve even the left wing NYT will have to start questions, not yet, but sooner or later they will have to decide is it Obama or they that matter, it will not take that long.   Liberals and those on the left like tax hikes but they never want to cut welfare, Obama is using emotional blackmail to try and get more tax cuts, when that does not work who will be the next target, yes the Middle Class folks.   Liberals never learn, that is why Republicans and Conservatives always come back, we are worse than Zombies, and we are right. 

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