Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Look in the Mirror US - Greece

Lets Get Real: 

This is the future for the US folks, Democrats want to create a welfare state in the US, they have nearly reached their goal, a lot of US States are bankrupt and will need a Federal Bailout, these States have gone down the toilet due to expensive deals wit the Unions, the tax hikes of the fiscal deal will not be used to pay back the US debt, NO it will be paid to keep the welfare state going and even extend those welfare schemes that should have come to an end.   The French President Hollande has stated that although the Courts have thrown out his 75% tax on the rich he will redraw the law, no wonder the elite of France are moving to the UK and other EU countries.  Lets get real folks, there WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH rich people, thus what is left, the Middle Class, and when they revolt the right WINS, history does repeat itself, the Reagan and Thatcher years.  One has to wonder that the left never gets this point.   But they do give out Nobel Prizes for nothing. 

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