Saturday, January 12, 2013

France faces Terrorist THREAT - Terror

BBC News: Reports that President Hollande has increased security around French public building after military operations in Africa lead to French military deaths in attempt to thwart Islamic threats in the region. 

Lets Get Real: 

Lets recall what the failure of the military mission to rescue the US hostages in Iran did to the Carter Presidency, it lead to its demise in 1980, also after a military failure in Somalia early in the Clinton Presidency this made Clinton less than ready to take military action in Bosnia, thus these deaths could have the following effect on the the new French Government, it could be afraid to take risks, or on the other hand it could learn the lesson that President Obama learned, you can not afford for your Western liberal view of the world to effect your actions in national security, thus Obama has increased the drone strikes of the Bush Era, and has increased its scope.   The drone strikes has come under critical attack from the left in the US and from Europe, lets see how the French react, will they run away, not new for the French or stand with the US and UK in taking down the terrorist threat from Islamic terrorists. 

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