Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Debt Limit and Liberal Overreach

The New York Times: Has an Editorial that states that should the Republican House not give up its charge of the debt ceiling then President Obama should, " ..he should cite the 14th Amendment’s ban on questioning the public debt, and declare an end to the debt ceiling once and for all. ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks imagine if it was a Democratic House and it was a Republican President, YES you get the picture, the uber LIBERAL NYT would be up in arms, it would be demanding impeachment hearings if a Republican President would even suggest such a move.   This shows that LIBERALS are going far beyond Overreach, they have lost the plot.    The Republican House should start impeachment hearings even if there is a discussion of this over coffee on a Sunday in the White House.   Liberals when they cant WIN, want to change the rules, lets hope House Democrats laugh off this idea, as the boot could be on the other foot the next time, and the NYT will be up a Creek, time for Republicans to get tough with the Democrats, the 2012 Election returned all the same leaders all the same branches of Government, if Obama does not deal, then allow the coming recession to be a Obama recession.  Time for the Republicans to sack Speaker Boehner, he is a SELL OUT, a Republican in NAME ONLY. 

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