Wednesday, December 12, 2012

North Korean Rocket Success - Korean Update PT2

BBC News: Reports that North Korean rocket test was successful, it placed a Satellite in Space Orbit.

Lets Get Real:

As stated last night folks in my tweets one can see South Korea and Japan going nuclear in the near future in less the China, US and the UN can find a way to get N Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions.    The Times of London reported last year that North Korea had successful placed a minute nuclear device on a rocket, this test could lead to North Korea having ICBMs or the ability to sell them, think Iran with the bomb and rocket technology, YES FOLKS THAT BAD,  this could lead to an arms race in the region, and the US and the UN can not do a thing, even China can not control North Korea, this is the tail wagging the dog.    Thus expect more food blackmail from North Korea, this is the pattern folks, the US will think it can talk to North Korea, they cant, the N Koreans understand one thing, the World only pays attention when the N Koreans are bad actors on the World Stage, and worse you have to pay them, if  Libya had kept its WMDs would NATO have taken action, yes folks, Gaddafi is a warning to any tyrant who thinks about giving up his Ace in the pack. 

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