Saturday, December 08, 2012

Damascus Airport A TARGET - Syrian Update

BBC News: Reports that Syrian Rebels have stated that the International Airport in Damascus is a target.

Lets Get Real: 

As noted in a recent post on this blog the Tehran Regime is using Iraqi Airspace as a channel for military supplies, with the support of Iran and Russia the Assad Regime is keeping the rebels from taking Damascus, it can be argued that if the rebels take the airport they can close down the Regime.   Thus expect the Assad Regime to fight hard to keep the airport, also if they lose this strategic holding the regime could use their chemical weapons to remove the rebels, it would be drastic but if the choice is either getting hung from the nearest telephone pole or using WMDs expect the worse from Assad.    The Syrian Crisis could be heading for a near fatal tipping point, the Oval must be hopping that Assad falls before he uses chemical weapons or forces the US to act to protect its NATO ally Turkey or its other ally Israel.   The next couple of weeks will be very interesting folks, lets recall the Assad Regime cut off the Internet for Syria, this might be a trial run for a chemical attack, if NO NEWS comes out does it happen in our 24/7 news world.  If your a journalist would you be in Syria at the present with the threat of chemical weapons being used, brave if you are, Assad is the type to take that risk, watch Syria folks, its outcome will effect the Middle East. 

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