Thursday, December 13, 2012

Boehner NO to OVAL - Debt Limit

BBC News: Reports that Republican House Speaker John Boehner has rejected a White House demand that the Oval be allowed to raise the US Debt limit without House approval. 

Lets Get Real:

This shows folks that the ego of the White House after winning a 2nd term is out of control, the US is facing a financial cliff and the Oval thinks it can blackmail the Republican House to give up the only way it can control Government spending.  In the fight last year of the debt limit the White House had to look at selling US National Parks, in essence ANY House would be mad to give the Oval this kind of power, any President, Republican or Democrat could spend what he or she wants without seeking Congressional approval.    This argument comes from the extreme left and a President who does not get the fact that the voters like HIM but not his policies on the whole, that is what you get when you you receive the Novel Prize for doing nothing.   The Republicans should take the US over the financial cliff, every month after that it become A Obama recession, looks good on sticker.   It is time for Republicans to remind the Oval that it is part of three sections of the US Government, any President is not a KING, and Obama is no FDR, JFK, LBJ or Reagan.   LBJ, Reagan and Clinton knew how to deal with Congress, President Obama expects the House to throw itself on the floor and love him, that all he has ever had, 2nd terms do not work out that way folks. 

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