Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Leveson Report in to Press Standards

BBC News: Reports that the Leveson Report in to press standards has been handed to Coalition PM David Cameron. 

Lets Get Real: 

If there is any legal press regulation the Conservative Party of the Coalition Government should reject the idea, one can expect the Liberal Democrats and the Labour leadership to take the tone of the BBC and of the Guardian, they want to regulate the Conservative Press, on the whole they support the Conservative Party.  Lets be clear were the law has been broken there are already on going cases, just not open to discussion, but this shows that the law does work, thus why allow the Politicians to have a hand in running the press.   The idea that once you start down this road of regulation that it will stop it a worry, the UK elite system does not work that way, the elites are to close, what ever a Judge might think.  It would go wrong sometime in the future, and there will be another report on how to scrap any press laws.   Thus expect a fight folks, the majority of the press will fight tooth and nail any regulation and the politicians and the lawyers will try to regulate free speech, law and freedom of the press do not always go together folks, its regulation lead down a control of the press. 

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