Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Obama, Rice and the 2nd Obama Term

Guardian: Reports the battle to make UN Ambassador Rice the next US Secretary State has to be seen within the context of a 2nd Obama term, the article notes the following, " The combination of the Rice row and the showdown over taxes and spending offer the president an early opportunity to demonstrate he is going to be tougher in his second term. ".

Lets Get Real:

The US Senate gives advice and consent to Presidential nominations from the Government to the Courts, Nixon had two Supeme Court Justices  rejected by the Senate, Reagan had Bork rejected, Bush 41 had Senator Tower rejected as Defence Secretary, Bill Clinton had a nightmare getting a Attorney General, while Bush 43 had could not get his choice as UN Ambassador pass the Senate.   Thus the Rice fight matters folks, if the Republicans keep together they can block the choice, thus lets see if POTUS wants to spend his political capital on a fight that he could lose and does not need to have, Senator Kerry would be an excellent choice for State. 

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