Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Clinton Speech Review

Lets Get Real:

This just might not be a great idea by the Obama Camp, the Clinton record was good, million of Americans got jobs, the US Budget was in balance in 2001, and what is the Obama record, 8.3% unemployment, 16 trillion US debt, sluggish growth that does that not keep up with population growth. The US voter just might say, hold on, Clinton was a winner, Obama promised a lot and failed. Also the Clinton magic might work with the Democrats, up to a point, last time this blog looked Hillary Clinton lost in 2008, also Bill Clinton was only really liked by US voters when he could deliver for them, he has not been President for a long time, this blog has noticed that when Bill turns up in State elections it does not mean that the Democrat is going to win, those days are long gone. The US voter did not want Clinton thrown out office because of his sex scandal but they did not want a 3rd Clinton term either in the shape of Al Gore, thus the Clinton magic just might be at the DNC and in the uber liberal media, it might not have that much of an effect, just a thought folks.

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