Thursday, September 06, 2012

Clinton and Obama - Political Truth ?

Lets Get Real:

For the Guardian folks this is quite honest, its a relationship based on a simple idea, mutual assured destruction, Clinton does not want to get the blame should Obama go down, while Obama needs Clinton to be his green card in to Reagan Democrats, white working class voters in the industrial States. The Obama Camp must me worried that younger voters and liberals who have felt let down by Obama will not come out and vote, thus they need traditional Democrats. As the DNC threw God and Israel under the bus in the 1st version of its Manifesto it needs all the voters it can get. But as this blog has noted the Clinton magic might not work any more outside the DNC, also everyone knows that Clinton loathes Obama for allowing his Camp in 2008 to call Clinton a racist. Thus a relationship based on MAD, fun to be a Democrat.

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