Thursday, September 06, 2012

Obama's Israeli Problem - US Election 2012

Lets Get Real:

Thus in one day, the DNC threw GOD out and caused friction with the Israeli Government over its own Capital, the Oval had to order the Convention to change the platform, folks just watch this, the Convention Chairman ran three votes to get the vote he wanted, it was not clear that the Convention wanted to approve the change, it seems Chicago rules are now part of the DNC, if you don't like the vote you take as many votes as you like in till you get the result you want. The UBER LIBERAL NYT even tries to cover for the Convention, the reporters must have been deaf and blind not to see that the Convention did not want to approve the demands by the Oval, as noted in this blog folks the uber liberal media will do what it takes to cover for the Democrats and Obama. Thus folks when it comes to domestic reporting of the liberal NYT double check, they might be spinning for the Oval, it shame that they can get caught doing something like that, also NOISE is spelled like that, no nose as in the article, if they are going to spin can they at least spell it right. This local political disaster could push Israel to take action over Iran, can they really trust Obama to take out a nuclear armed Iran, all politics is local folks.

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