Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Town Called Mercy - Doctor Who Review

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor gained 6.6 million viewers in the overnight tracking. This made the Doctor the top Drama for Saturday ( this discounts reality shows of any kind ).

Lets Get Real:

This was a fun and though provoking episode folks, the Doctor showed his darker side from last week was just not a one off, he threw war criminal or not, depending on your point of view to his death. The Alien was saved by a gutsy Amy Pond and the town law enforcer. It seems that the Doctor is forgetting the nature of mercy, that he has gone from a BIG LIBERAL, the last few hundred years to Dick Cheney, what next water boarding. The the fun side folks, the Doctor talking horse, that was fun, the Doctor doing High Noon, and at the end finding his inner Doctor, mixture of liberal/conservative. It is an episode that require close attention, does the need to end a war mean that you have to do dirty things, does that change you, do we all carry out own prisons in our mind, one we can never escape, one we built over the years, deep folks.

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