Monday, August 27, 2012

Ed Miliband vs. Ed Balls - Labour Divisions

Telegraph: Reports on policy clash between the Labour Leader Ed Miliband and the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Ed Balls, the article notes the following on the Ball's negatives , " ..not always consulted the party leader before making key announcements. He is understood not to discuss his future plans in shadow Cabinet meetings. ".

Lets Get Real:

This brings back the good memories of the Blair/Brown feud between 1997 - 2010, if Ed Miliband becomes PM will he as Blair had to to, send spies around to the Chancellors office to see what is in the Budget. One has to say the BALL's has learned his lessons well from MASTER, Gordon Brown, one would think Brown would be proud of him, but for the fact that BALL's has dished his former MASTER. One has to ask who is leaking this, of course it comes from the office of the leader, as in the good old days you have two different Courts that slag each other off, one has to wonder without the firm grip of the old New Labour machine can these splits be held in till 2015. Is power more important to Labour, or being a big fish in small bowl, interesting times ahead folks.

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