Monday, July 02, 2012

Threat to New EU Agreement - Euro Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 10.45am/11.17am posts that Holland and Finland will try to prevent the EU bailout fund from baying the bonds of the weaker Euro Countries.

Lets Get Real:

Folks the Euro Crisis will only be solved for the long term when Germany agrees to Euro bonds, this will combine the debt of ALL Eurozone Countries and have their credit rating linked to Germany, the Germans would be on the hook to fund the poor PIIGS for many decades, as once the PIIGS get this funding they will not reform. The Germans have to careful that they are not conned in to baying used used tea bags! There is a push for a Federal EU, one President, one cabinet, one bank etc. The problem for the EU is that it will have to be German lead EU as they have the money, the French are now 2nd league players. The UK Government supports a Federal Europe as long as the UK is not part, without the counter weight of the UK the Eurozone will become a greater Germany, the French are really going to love that, one has doubts that the EU politicians see they are breaking their links with the voters, once the voters get a chance to vote on the EU, many politicians might find they are all at sea while the Ship of State has passed them on.

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